Thursday, 18 November 2010

Bioware Mystery Teaser, appealing to the shooter market?

So for those not in the know, Bioware released a teaser not long ago, one that they explained nothing about, but it was futuristic, and looked gritty. The teaser featured a man in dark, futuristic armour climbing over, or perhaps out of something and pointing a scoped rifle of some kind out of a window, and challenged viewers to find out what it was at the VGA awards, being covered on Spike.

The teaser can be seen by following the below link.

Rumours, however, say that the game will be a spin off of the wildly successful Mass Effect games, designed to appeal to the 'Call of Duty market' featuring a shooter style of game progression, and with a single-player not starring Shepherd. This coming from an 'Anonymous Source'

Call of Duty: First Contact, anyone?

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Peeping Kinect

No, seriously. You know how Kinect takes pictures of you? A certain person playing Dance Central forgot that. Or perhaps the thought of some robotic camera watching them in their birthday suit didn't bother them, until they realised it had taken pictures of them. Needless to say that things went bad, and fast. Leading to this being posted on Dance Central's support forums.

'I was trying out the Kinect Dance Central game and I was getting hot so I took off my clothee [sic]. I had no idea that the game was going to take A BUNCH OF PICTURES OF ME WHILE DANCING WITH NO CLOTHES ON!!! I can go back and look at these pictures but HOW DO I DELETE THEM?!!! HELP!!!!'

Can't help but think of a VG cats comic. Wonder if those pictures are going to turn up on Facebook.

Don't want to know what else Kinect watches you doing though.